How to join us
We welcome everyone regardless of ability, but sadly we do not presently have facilities for wheelchair users nor the specialist wheelchair required to be on the green...... but we hope to get one when funds allow.
New bowlers - we don't charge any club fees for new bowlers for the first year, but ask you to pay the £10 fee to register you with the Somerset Bowls Association, a must if you ever get yourself into a match!!
Experienced bowlers - our fee for the 2024 season is £90. If you join us mid-season we ask for a pro-rata fee.
Green is open from April to September from 11.00 am. to sundown. Members can use the green any time when there is a free rink, even if there is a match on the other rinks, BUT please that adhere to the green etiquette code. Even when there is a match on there are normally 2 or 3 rinks that are not needed for the game and you are welcome to use those.
TO JOIN US CONTACT - President Vicki Cox on 07944 611185/ [email protected] or Secretary Eric Bush on 01225 873746.
We are holding an Open Invitation day 18th April 2024 from 2 p.m. so that you can "Try before you Buy" so contact either Vicki or Eric for more details.