Why join us?
Well lots of reasons.
We are all a small club [about 40 members] so you will get to know everyone in no time.
We are the friendliest bunch around, full of characters to make you smile. The big noisy one is John, the smaller quiet one is Eric, the lady who organises everything is Ann, the guy on the electric bike is Alex, and our lady President is Vicki. So there, you know 5 of us already.
Our members come from Bath, Corston, Saltford, Keynsham, Longwel Green, and one hardy couple travel all the way from Camerton so we must be doing something right!
BEST OF ALL we have an enormous car park right next to the green; so no dragging your bowls bag half way around town, or leaving it in the clubhouse only to find you need it for an away match. AND you can come and go as you please, no tickets to run out , no phoning your lift because the match has overrun. AND if it rains, then clubhouse to car in 10 seconds, 15 if you stop and chat on the way. There is also a bus stop right by the gate if you need it. Couldn't be easier!!
We have a qualified coach to get you started on the right path, although learning on the green is by far the best way, and we all help with that. REMEMBER there is no such thing as a bad bowl, because some bright spark can always whack the jack to land right next to your outlier bowl, then you are the toast of the team.
We have matches of every sort; men's and ladies and mixed; friendly and competitive [although they are friendly too but winning is nice].
We enter teams in local events, day triples and fours, just watch the notice board and pop your name down.
We have fun days and our own club competitions and if you are REALLY keen you can enter the County Competitions, we will be there to cheer you on!!!
Come down any Monday from 6 pm, or call Vicki on 07944 611185 to arrange a practice.